Welcome to the RCC page. Here you will find info for newcomers, those interested in learning about what Race Committees do, and how to get involved.
For Newcomers
Welcome - we are recruiting now. Come on an outing with us one Sat or Sun as a guest and check it out. See what it is on a RC boat, running a race. It's a nice 2 or 3 hour outing on the water, with a front row seat to the races. If you like it and want to do more, you can join us and we'll train you, a little at a time or a lot if you already have this background.
TSS has a remarkably well-organized and thorough training curriculum, complete with certifications you earn like Boy Scout badges, and in fact subtle insignia for the sleeve of your official yellow Race Committee polo, as you acquire the necessary knowledge and skills for each level.
RC is a great way to meet people and see the fleets in action. It also provides a low-key overview of many of the Club's activities.
For Returning Race Committee Consortium Members
Welcome back. We need to staff the Mutts from time to time now, and the Club Races every other Saturday. We also need to build up our team to handle the Fall regattas, including the 4-day Mutt Nationals. Please reach out to folks you've met and think might be interested in joining up.
November December 2024 RC Sign-up Sheet
Keelboat Racing Sign-up and Scoring Sheet
Setting the Starting Line for Keelboat Races
Portsmouth Sign-up and Scoring Sheet
Setting a Windward-Leeward Course for Portsmouth Races